Sue Spargo Bird Play
A couple of weeks ago, we here at The Stitcin' Post had the pleasure of having Sue Spargo instruct some of her special techniques and patterns. We are always so honored to have teachers from all different areas of fiber arts come and teach here, and Sue is definitely one of them.
If you've never taken a class from Sue, we highly recommend you do! She is a wonderful and charismatic woman and teaches one on one when you need a little help getting a stitch.
(Bird Play; Chicks by Sue Spargo)
(Busy and focused students stitching away at their projects)
(When you have a question, who better to ask than then instructor herself?)
(Keeping focused and busy at work)
If you are interested in taking a class from Sue, in May 2015, Sue will be here to teach two workshops:
Textural Study
3-day workshop (includes lunches)
Thursday-Saturday, May 28 - 30, 2015
9-4 pm
Fun Wool Piecing
1-day workshop (includes lunches)
Sunday, May 31, 2015
9-4 pm
You can find these workshops and more at
Happy Sewing
-The Stitchin' Post