Alter Ego Stitch & Collage with Paula Kovarik on 9/15-19/2025
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Date: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Mon - Fri Sept. 15-19, 2025 at Stitchin' Post
Craft: Art Quilting Collage
Skill Level: All Levels
Techniques used: Collage, Free Motion, Hand Stitch
Class Project: 3D Piece
Supply List: Alter Ego
Required: Sewing Machine
Superheroes. Champions. Pets. Monsters. Heroines. Stars and Villains. They will all be here during our stitch-and-collage class. This class will hone your funny bone and polish your grip on stitching. We will practice free-motion stitching to create narratives, textures and patterns. We'll collage scraps of cut up quilts and found fabrics to create bodies, heads and appendages. We'll experiment with 3D forms to break the 2D barrier. Fun? Yes. Freeing? Absolutely. Our emphasis will be on play. Channel your inner dialog into a superhero or leading lady. Make an ideal pet. Bring that alter-ego forward.